
Welcome to my website and social media links. I hope these will give you an insight into what we do at Caboodle Food. As a registered nutritionist I work with evidence based science, adhere to a strict ethical code of conduct and I am committed to provide information that is neither false nor misleading. I will update information on this site as research and the latest science news in nutrition develops.

The national register for nutritionists is held at the The Association for Nutritionists (AfN). As a registered nutritionist I commit to continued professional development (CPD) as demanded by the terms of my registration with the Association of Nutrition.

You will not find tailored nutritional information on this website. For specific health concerns please seek medical advice from your healthcare professionals. The information on this website and linked social media accounts is only a general resource.

From time to time I may review products or services. I comply with the Internet Advertising Bureau standards. The reviews always include clarity of ownership of the product or service. I state if the product has been gifted, or if I receive compensation for the review, or purchased it myself. There will never be a bias to a review as a result of receiving products.

I do not endorse any products or promote one product, or service in preference to another. I am bound by the food industry regulations and also the AfN guidelines and code of ethics.

Any advertising or links are not an endorsement of products or services.