We have worked both nationally and internationally with individuals, groups, teams and chefs.

Notable recent work includes the 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games where I was the lead nutritionist working with a team of nutritionists to ensure all the athletes’ villages delivered nutritionally and culturally appropriate, diverse menus and dishes for the athletes across the wide range of dietary requirements that are represented in the Commonwealth.

Previously I delivered training for the chefs from Tottenham Hotspur FC to enable the communication between the kitchen and coaches to be easily transferred and provisioned the round-the-world record sailing attempt by Oman Sail.

As a registered sports nutritionist, I have experience in a variety of sports on and off the water, team field sports and athletics. We have trained athletes, coaches and chefs in nutrition. This enables the athletes to gain optimum performance in their sport.

Sport Services

Team nutrition
Individual nutrition
Caterers Health Check
Training materials

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If you would like further information please contact us.

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